Pregnancy Principles

Make sure that you get your prenatal vitamins, they are very importantduring pregnancy. If for some reason you can’t take them, talk with yourdoctor he/she may be able to prescribe …

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Public Speaking Skills

Speaking in public can sometimes be a real challenge, if not a source ofembarrassment; not only to normal people, but even to persons of high rank such asscholars, doctors, artists …

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Mobile App Mantra

The search for a killer app is an on-going process. A killer app is onethat is accepted by most as the best in the market at that point of time.List …

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Vision Board Made Easy

Our dreams and goals are what give our lives meaning. They give uspurpose and keep us passionate and motivated. Our vision of whatwe want to achieve in life gives us …

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A Guide To Optimum Nutrition

If you are sick and tired of your plump body, don’t worry because thereis still hope. By knowing the correct way to eat for weight loss, you willnot just achieve …

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5 Rituals To Happiness And Fulfillment AudioBook and Ebook

What’s life without happiness and fulfillment? It’s like living a life withoutmeaning or purpose. When was the last time you feel that you are livingyour life to the fullest? Are …

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7 Super Foods For Vegan Athletes AudioBook and Ebook

Veganism is a concept that deals with abstaining from theconsumption of animal-based products such as milk, eggs and meat.Vegans follow a strict vegetarian diet minus dairy products. Vegansare only allowed …

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Collection Of 3 Volume 96

Collection of 3 Ebooks listed below. MRR License Master Resell Rights Terms and Conditions [YES]Can be sold[YES]Can be used for personal use[YES]Can be packaged with other products[YES]Can modify/change the sales …

$8.99 $4.49 (50.00% OFF)

Hack On Memory

When you change yourself, you change the limits of what’spossible.The next question: what to upgrade? A great place to start is withyour memory.By enhancing your memory, you’ll be able to …

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Instagram Marketing

Why Instagram? Check Out the Statistics BelowWe know that you only have so much time in the day, so youmight be in search of some quantifiable facts as to whyInstagram …

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Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is the use of internet properties and trafficto generate leads, sales, or brand awareness. This is typicallydone via search engine visibility, social media marketing,email marketing, and various forms …

$4.99 $2.49 (50.00% OFF)

Boosting Productivity

Your understanding of time management is very likely… wrong.Time management is in fact, a misnomer. Time cannot be managed orinfluenced; it is something that is pretty much out of our …

$6.99 $3.49 (50.00% OFF)

Change Mastery

In the ancient times, many wise men have seen the impermanence of everythingand they came to the conclusion that the only phenomenon which is permanent ischange. This idea is definitely …

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Staying Fit With Organic Food

Organic foods have become very popular. However, knowing the maze oforganic food benefits, labels as well claims can be confusing. In fact, thereare many people who asked if organic foods …

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Periscope Marketing For Success

Imagine if you had been around when the internet first launched and you had a book thatcould tell you exactly how to make the most of everything the web promised. …

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Mastering Self-Confidence

So, many people are afraid to admit they lack confidence becauseit is seen as a personal weakness, while others wish they couldhave more confidence, but don’t know where to start.If …

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Irresistible You AudioBook and Ebook

How to be Engaging, Charming, Charismatic and PersuasiveHow are you in a group setting? How confident are you at talking in a group?When you meet new people, do you feel …

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Lose Your Belly Diet AudioBook and Ebook

Lots of people want to lose weight and get into better shape butwhen you press them on what this really means, you’ll often findthat their main concern is with their …

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Improve Your Mental Focus

The first step is to identify what you need your focus to be on. Whenyou don’t have a clearly defined goal, your mind will wander. Give yourattention something to use …


Online Viral Marketing Secrets AudioBook and Ebook

Let’s get one thing clear: too many people try “viral marketing” andfail. The reason should be obvious. Most people have no clue whatviral marketing is really all about. In fact, …


Nutrition For Children

There are a lot of tips and tricks you can use to get your child to eat healthy,many parents just are not aware of them. You should use as many …

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Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination sometimes comes with good reasons and that is timeprocrastinating is a time spent to figure out things and plan for futureactions to make.The positive side of procrastination is that …

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Beginners Guide To Pay Per Click Marketing

There are ways to use PPC marketing in your online advertising to createpowerful campaigns that attract an army of affiliate partners to do yourpromotion for you. You will have to …


Collection Of 3 Volume 97

Collection of 3 Ebooks listed below. MRR License Master Resell Rights Terms and Conditions [YES]Can be sold[YES]Can be used for personal use[YES]Can be packaged with other products[YES]Can modify/change the sales …

$9.99 $4.99 (50.00% OFF)

Easy Aerobics For Fitness

Unrestricted PLR License [YES] Can be sold[YES] Can be used for personal use[YES] Can be packaged with other products[YES] Can modify/change the sales letter[YES] Can modify/change the main product[YES] Can …

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Mastering Sales Funnel

In fact, some marketers are willing to take a loss on the front-end of the funnel, just to getnew customers onto his/her buying list and to help make profits for …

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Google Ads

When you combine the perfect timing of search result ads andthe far-reach of the display network with the very reasonablecost per click of Google AdWords… it becomes a must-haveadvertising solution.Here’s …


Mobile Marketing

Mobile usage now represents 65% of all digital media time. Asof 2016 mobile traffic makes up over 56% of all internet trafficto leading US websites. In response to this, 68% …


Combat Gaming Addiction

Gaming addiction is one of the most destructing effects of the video andonline games to the mental status of a person. Such type of addiction is verycommon to children and …


Communication Made Simple

Since our minds are crammed with so much of information, there isvery little time or space to indulge in frivolous and irrelevantinformation thus the need to be precise and quick …


Online Profits System

I have developed innovative marketing tools, custom softwaresolutions that drive tons of traffic. Internet marketing gurusswear by my software solutions and their effectiveness. I cantell you that everything you’re about …


The Guide To PPC Marketing

PPC advertising is also known under the followingnames/variations: Pay per placement Pay per performance Pay per ranking Pay per position Cost per click (CPC)PPC advertising is usually done with the …


Doom Scrolling

Many of us are familiar with this routine.You log onto your favorite social media platform and check theCOVID-19 reports, then move on to the state of the economy, andclimate change, …

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Collection Of 3 Volume 98

Collection of 3 Ebooks listed below. MRR License Master Resell Rights Terms and Conditions [YES]Can be sold[YES]Can be used for personal use[YES]Can be packaged with other products[YES]Can modify/change the sales …

$9.99 $4.99 (50.00% OFF)

Acupuncture Mastery

Think acupuncture, think needles. Primarily this is the way mostpeople view the art of acupuncture. These needles are inserted intothe skin but not too deeply; it would seem, at various …

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Sleeping Philosophy

Eight hours of sleep is the most recommended amount of resting time for allpeople in this world during evening hours. Those people who usually fail tosleep for almost eight hours …

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Mind and Motivation

Motivation plays an important role in the daily living of a person. It cantotally change the mood of several individuals in a very good way. Manypeople in this world have …

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7 Beginner Steps To Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn passive incomewithout having to develop your own products or offeryour own services, or as a way to generate additionalincome from products that …


11 Must Know Product Launch Tips

So you’re going to launch a new product/ website/ blog/service online – how do you make a big splash that getspeople on board and taking action? While this isn’tmeant to …


The One Thing Your Product Must Have For Success

It may sound obvious but the one thing your product musthave in order to succeed is a NEEDWhen you are delving into product development you need to besure that you’re …


Collection Of 3 Volume 99

Collection of 3 Ebooks listed below. MRR License Master Resell Rights Terms and Conditions [YES]Can be sold[YES]Can be used for personal use[YES]Can be packaged with other products[YES]Can modify/change the sales …

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Kickstart Your First Product

There are a lot of advantages to writing ebooks, but the experience ispriceless. Authoring something so involved is truly worth the time andeffort, not simply for apportioning your knowledge, but …


Leadership Ethics

Perhaps the best place to start is by asking what makes a greatleader. What is the end goal here? What are you aspiring to?When we think of great leaders, we …


Secrets To Successful Career

Although obtaining new career skills means spending money and time,the outcome will be most beneficial. Keep in mind, it will be a difficulttask and will require longer hours.There is also …


10 Free Traffic Methods That Still Work Today

If you have a website you need traffic and getting those visitorsto your site isn’t always easy. There are a number of ways thatyou can drive traffic to your website …

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5 Steps To Unleashing Your Inner Greatness AudioBook and Ebook

In order to achieve the best that we can out of life and tohave our greatest successes, we need to find our innergreatness. This is where we achieve the most …

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Being Self-Disciplined

Now, achieving self-discipline is not easy. Don’t trust anyonewho tells you that. To achieve self-discipline you need to have theability to control your emotions, your body and your mind.It’s the …


7 Set It And Forget It Ways To Make More Money With Your Website

Making more money with your website doesn’t necessarily requiremaking a big change or taking on some monumental task. Sometimes,all you need to do is spend a few minutes creating another …


6-Pack Abs Secrets

Unfortunately your genetics is not something that you can change.You can’t change your body type any more than you can change yourheight. That is why you see that having visible …

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7 Proven Keys To Persuade Customers To Buy Your Backend Or Upsell Offer

If you want to make more money with your business, one good placeto start is on your order forms.Think about it…You have a prospect with a credit card already in …


The Power Of Juices

Your mom probably told you repeatedly, “Eat your vegetables!”Maybe you hid the spinach beneath the mashed potatoes. Kids dothat. Now, however, you know how important eating more fruitsand vegetables is …

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