Just in case you don’t know what Acupuncture is, it’s an ancient Chinese medicine that is used to help restore your body to a healthier balance. This technique involves focusing on specific points in the body that control certain things. So when an Acupuncturist is able to find the way in which your body”s energy is flowing, then find new ways to make sure that everything is flowing properly again.

Many Arthritis pain sufferers have turned to acupuncture for healing and easing the pain. A study was conducted on over 500 elderly patients who suffered from Osteoarthritis in the knee. Only some of them were given the actual acupuncture treatment while others were given a fake acupuncture treatment. The treatment was given for 6 months. At the end of the 6 months they found that those who had received treatment had less pain and more mobility. Although they weren’t pain-free, they did have reduced pain. While some say this is great news, there are of course always those who are skeptical of these types of treatments.


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