Knowing who you are is a very crucial aspect of healing yourself. How can you avoid a disaster if you are simply floating through life with no clear sense of what you stand for, and what you refuse to tolerate?
There is a reason why the small town girl with big dreams, who gets to the big city, often ends up in some miserable and dare I say, compromising, situation.
Think too of the unhappy Doctor who is only a Doctor because his parents decided that he needed to become the first Doctor in their family. What about the hen picked mama”s boy who dates a girl he cannot stand because it makes his mother happy? These three have a lot in common.

Below are the chapters that you are about to explore inside:

Chapter 1 ” Know Thy Self
Chapter 2 ” Know Thy Limits
Chapter 3 ” Be Honest
Chapter 4 ” Be Kind
Chapter 5 ” Be Forgiving
Chapter 6 ” Be Generous
Chapter 7 ” Be Yourself


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