If you are not feeling content with your life then it is likely that you do not know what your true
purpose in life is. Without this you will not be focused on the things that make you truly happy. You
will either drift through life or find yourself stuck.
In this short and powerful report you will learn why it is so important for you to find your WHY and
provide you with the 12 questions to ask yourself to uncover it. We urge you to read every word of
this report and take action to create an inspiring WHY statement that will drive you forward and
provide you with total fulfillment.
People always do things for a Reason
There is a reason behind everything that you do. You may not realize this but it is true. Most of the
things that you do every day are on autopilot such as brushing your teeth and taking a shower. You
don’t think about these things you just do them.
But behind all of your actions is a reason. You brush your teeth and bathe each day because you do
not want to smell bad and be dirty. You make the journey to your place of work each day because of
the reward you receive and what it means to you and your family.
OK these things are obvious but it is not always. As human beings you are aware of WHAT you do and
HOW you do it. The WHAT part is usually obvious and the HOW part is something that you have
learned over the years.
The most difficult thing to understand is WHY you do the things you do. Most people will do things
that they don’t want to do and accept this as part of life. For example there are plenty of people that
work a job that they hate.
They do this because they feel that they have to. These people do not have the confidence in
themselves to find a better job. They are happy to just drift along taking anything that they can. The
trouble with this is that they will never be fulfilled.
How to Attain Fulfillment
The only real way to attain fulfillment is to understand what your true purpose is in life is. Once you
know this you will be able to set goals that allow you to attain fulfillment. Don’t get sucked in to all of
the nebulous questions around such as “why are we here?” and “what is the purpose of life?”
These questions are likely to conjure up negative thoughts in your head. We believe that all individuals
create their own purpose in life. There is no “one size fits all” answer to the question “what is the
purpose of life?” You answer that question in your own way.
Your mind is a very powerful tool. Use it to your advantage to determine your life’s purpose. Where
are you in your life right now? Your previous thoughts are responsible for everything that you have or
don’t have in your life right now.
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