Down Home Healthy Cooking
African Americans suffer from higher rates of serious diseaseslike high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease andsome types of cancer. African Americans suffer more serious healthproblems and die at …
Good and Cheap
Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures. In a perfectworld, healthy and delicious food would be all aroundus. It would be easy to choose and easy to enjoy.But of course …
Good Food On A Tight Budget
Want to fill your plate withdelicious, healthy foodswithout breaking the bank?Good Food on a Tight Budget—the first of its kind—lists foods thatare good for you, easy on yourwallet and good …
Free Raw Food Recipes
Life in the fast lane, often leaves us all burning the candle from both ends as we place ourselves at thebottom of the ‘to do list.’ Busy, modern day lifestyles …
Opt-In List Building For Beginners
Before revealing the secrets of the trades, here are myths and fallacies that need to becleared before one indulges into building an opt-in list. These marketing misconceptionscould pose so much …
The Golden Rules Of Acquiring Wealth
In the United States where there is more land than people, it is not at alldifficult for persons in good health to make money. In this comparatively newfield there are …
10 Ways To Generate Leads Using LinkedIn
LinkedIn is not just a platform for professionalnetworking; it also presents a powerful opportunityto generate high-quality leads for your business.With its extensive user base of professionals,LinkedIn provides a fertile ground …
Aerobics For Fitness
We are always reminded that exercise could do wonders for the body. Aerobics, a kind ofexercise which helps your body use more oxygen while maintaining your target heart range, candefinitely …
5 Key Attitudes For Success
If you are looking for success in life, it starts with you. You can’t expectanything good to come from life if your attitude and heart are not in the rightplace. …
5 Ways To Unleashing The Power Of Perseverance
You have probably heard many motivational speakers and startup founderstalk about the power of perseverance. But how exactly can you unleash thepower of perseverance and why it is important?Unleashing the …
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7 Steps To Validating Your Startup Idea
When you have a startup idea, there are certain things you need to do toensure your idea is a good one that can actually help people and makeprofits. How do …
100 Exercise Tips
When it comes to the level of intensity that you want to go through in working out, you need to determine your purpose for it first. You have to decide …
A More Spiritual Life
What is spirituality? How do people discover their spirituality? If you don’tknow the real answer to these questions, you need a complete reference toexpand your knowledge. This is the reason …
Dancing Your Fats Away
Dance may have been created for enjoyment, aesthetic expression,and socialization; but these days, it is considered one of the mosteffective ways of exercising for fat loss. In this course – …
Healthy Eating Planner
We make millions of food choicesthroughout our lives which have a majorimpact on our health and nutrition. Goodfood choices won’t leave you and yourfamily feeling unsatisfied, hungry ordeprived. Instead, they …
Heart Healthy Cooking African American Style
Good food is one of life’s great joys. And good meals are ashared pleasure at the heart of African American family lifeand special celebrations. This recipe book brings togethermany African …
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Lose Weight Fasting
The idea of fasting is still tied to the spiritual and religious practices. When we first heardabout fasting, we immediately relate the term to the Catholics who practice this during …
5 Surprising Benefits Of Meditation
The most well-known benefit of meditation is stress-relief. Different formsof meditation have been used for literally thousands of years to quickly,and sometimes instantly, relieve and remove stress and anxiety. …
5 Traits Of a Successful Entrepreneur
Not sure if you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? There aremany traits and characteristics you need to be able to have. No worries if youdon’t have …
Breath Watching Meditation
The more responsibility you have in your life, more is the need ofmeditation. The busier you are, the less time you have, the morework you have, and endless desires you …
Extreme Health Resolution
Let’s be real about it. Physical fitness may be a battle, in particularwhen you’re trying to be successful at physical and mental wellnessand trying to slim down. And like all …
Healthy Eating For Life
More than 1.6 million people are diagnosed with cancer in the United States each year, the fourthhighest incidence rate among peer countries in the world, and there is an urgent …
Healthy Thrifty Meals
The essence of nutrition guidance is to provide thepublic with the best information available to assistthem in making wise and nutritious food choices tosustain life and good health. As public …
Cashing In On Health and Wellness
Ever thought of making money in an industry with a HUGE marketdemand, UNPARALLELED growth potential and MASSIVE incomepossibilities?How would you like to position yourself strategically and tap into one of …
Cooking From The Heart
Food is central to the identity of South Africans.During meals the family meets around the table.On holidays and high days we gather around thebraai and the potjie pot which reflect …
Vegan Health Lifestyle
WHAT IS A VEGAN DIET?The people on our modern society are concerned with multiple issues. Health and theenvironment are two very big ones that are at the forefront. People want …
Muscle And Fitness 101 Workouts
101 WORKOUTS,EVEN MORE WAYSTO USE THEMWHETHER YOU’VE JUST decided to begin a weighttraining programme or you’ve been hitting the gym foryears, one thing is certain: when it comes to yourworkouts, …
Secrets Of Food Combinations
If ever there is one universal language, it would definitely be food. As the years go by,we try to understand and reconcile ourselves with the power of food over our …
Stretching and Flexibility
This document is a modest attempt to compile a wealth of information in order toanswer some frequently asked questions about stretching and flexibility. It is organized intochapters covering the following …
5 Ways To Build a Successful Side Hustle
In recent years, the rise of the gig economy and the prevalence of onlineplatforms have made it easier than ever for individuals to start a side hustle.A side hustle, often …
10 Signs You Need To Reboot Your Life
If you are in any way unhappy with any part of your life, you have to understand that youcan’t just take all of this sitting down. You really can’t. If …
A Month Of Bedtime Stories
Indulge in the enchanting world of ‘A Month Of Bedtime Stories’. Let Nanoodle, Toothpaste, and Captain Slinky transport you to captivating realms. Contains the following stories: PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTSThe following …
Alif Blows Bubbles
Discover the whimsical world of Alif Blows Bubbles, a delightful children’s book that takes young readers on an enchanting bubble-filled adventure. Alfi was in the gardenblowing bubbles.The bubbles were big …
Brain Teaser Word Search For Smart And Youthful Adults
Exercise your brain and have fun with our brain teaser word search puzzles specially crafted for smart and youthful adults. PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTSThe following dictates the terms andconditions to the …
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5 Ways To Develop a Growth Mindset
In a world that thrives on innovation and adaptation, the concept of thegrowth mindset has gained significant traction. Stemming from the pioneeringwork of psychologist Carol Dweck, the growth mindset is …
Curious About Round Bubbles
Unravel the secrets of round bubbles. Get to know the science behind their shape and discover the fascinating properties that make them so captivating. Twins Manu and Maya were on …
Crew Moodsters
Discover the DBSA Mood Crew workbook and learn how to navigate emotions with engaging games and activities for children. Hello!My name is Lonely and I am glad you found this …
I Want To Be a Baker
Discover the steps to becoming a successful baker. From mastering basic techniques to creating delicious recipes, learn what it takes to pursue your passion. This book is recommended for very …
Journey To Justice Civil Rights Activity Book
Discover the historic stories of the civil rights movement with the Journey To Justice Civil Rights Activity Book. Civil Rights Memorial Center In Montgomery, Alabama, in 1989, the Southern PovertyLaw …
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Coloring And Activity Book 911 Adventures
Discover the importance of 9-1-1 and learn how to use it in emergencies with the Coloring And Activity Book 911 Adventures. 9-1-1 is the emergency number.You should use 9-1-1 when …
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Lifes Beauty Unveiled
Discover the captivating story of Kavya and her journey from feeling small to finding beauty in life. A heartwarming tale of resilience and self-discovery. “Line up class! Let’s go to …
Unleash Your Communication Skills
One of the things most important to becoming a great leader and being ableto speak like a great leader is to first master the art of communication. If youcannot communicate …
Weight Loss Maintenance
Losing weight can’t be achieved in just a wink of an eye. Before you reach yourmain goal, you have to do accurate steps and get rid of your unhealthy lifestyle.Depending …
Weight Loss Management
Weight Loss Management is one of the vital concerns of healthauthorities who are truly dedicate in the preservation of good andbetter living. They are focusing themselves in this line of …
Weight Loss Resolutions
Whether you’re making a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight, or you’regetting started in the middle of the year, it’s important to be trulycommitted to your weight loss plan before …
Wonderful Weight
There are tons of reasons why obese or overweight people try to loseweight. Some want to be healthier, to feel and look better while otherswant to have more energy to …
The Sugar Solution
Sugar sensitive people might be low in specific neurochemicals thathelp us feel calm, centered, confident, and optimistic. Sugar is a drugthat temporarily makes the sugar sensitive feel better, but withdamaging …
The Might Of Character Building
UNCONSCIOUSLY we are forming habits every moment of our lives.Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirablenature. Some, though not so bad in themselves, …
You’re Losing Money Every Day If You’re Not Marketing With Video
There’s a reason why a lot of affiliate marketing googles and self-proclaimedonline marketing experts have been talking up video marketing. It seems that theywon’t shut up about it.This has become …
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Stranger In The Forest
Honeybear lived in the middle of a large forest. She had builtherself a fine Tree House and loved to sit inside, looking out atthe tops of the trees. She was …
The Extraordinary Power Within
In life, we encounter numerous challenges that test our physical and mentalresilience. These trials can leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and onthe verge of breaking. However, there exists within each …