What Is Search Engine
Optimization And How Can
You Implement It?

Search Engine Optimization, known with the acronym SEO, is the process
of improving traffic and exposure to a website via search engines to get
the website ranked highly in the resulting search results pages. It helps to
build an online presence that is bigger and better than just slapping a
static website up on the Internet and hoping that some people drop by the
site. It is a strategy whereby how you create the site, what you do to
promote it, and how you analyze the results of those actions that help the
website owner to develop bigger and better online exposure.
Google is the main search engine that started it all. It was through their
AdWords campaigns that Internet marketers became more savvy about
using the power of the advertising model to help shoot certain pages to
the top of the search results pages. They noticed that the same keywords
that online businesses were buying because their research showed many
people were searching for them could be used to attract those same
people to other sites. Soon, it became a standard SEO strategy to include
keywords in content that was used to get pages ranked highly in Google’s
search engine results pages (SERPs).
Since then, a variety of services have popped up to help the online
business owner compete against others for maximum website exposure.
Some of these techniques deal with how the search engine classifies a
page topic and what types of elements in a Web page create or obstruct
high page ranking.
It wouldn’t be fair to neglect mentioning that some SEO tricks are called
“black hat†because they tend to exploit weaknesses in the search engine
model and can lead to a site using “black hat†techniques to be sandboxed
(dropped to the bottom of the SERPs). Marketers trying to game the
system may get away with it for a while, but Google has been known to
severely punish those that are caught, making it unwise to implement
black hat techniques.
Other techniques, known as “white hat†or organic strategies don’t carry
the risk of being sandboxed. They use the guidelines that carry a sense of
integrity and authenticity while gaining wide exposure through providing
value and understanding SEO. These are the techniques that we are going
to discuss in this report. To caution further, always avoid techniques like

keyword stuffing, spamming people by sending unsolicited emails, and
generating false websites with commercial links only and no content (link
farms). These activities are considered black hat techniques.
In the past, keywords were used in meta description tags to give a search
engine the hint about what the page talked about. Black hat marketers
began to exploit that vulnerability by adding highly searched keywords
into that area and basically making that criteria useless to Google. Thus,
Google decided to downgrade that criterion, and as a result, keywords are
evaluated as a percentage of the actual content on the site for relevancy,
not for just showing up in coding. If you know how the search engines
rate keywords, you can still game the system a bit, but not without
actually creating content that has some value. That’s the entire point.
Here are a few things to know about keywords when you are writing
content for SEO.

Rights: Master Resell Rights
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[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
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[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free AGAINST an email address (lead generation)
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