Many people who are now comfortable using the Internet remember very
different experiences before the computer became a staple in the home.
When doing research, it meant spending hours at the library. You could
either find books or periodicals on the shelves or submit a special request
to access special files and records stored under lock and key. If you
needed to look up something that the library did not have on hand, then it
was possible to ask the librarian to do some research for you. The library
has been relying on computers for years before people had their own
personal computers.
Things have sure changed! You can now do an astonishing amount of
online research by using a variety of search techniques explained in this
report. Not only is a world of information available online, you can access
the same information the librarian used to obtain for you many years ago.
You can read websites, log into library sites around the world, obtain
research articles and reports, and generally obtain a wealth of information
on every topic under the sun.
Research, by the way, is not something only students find useful.
Everyone needs to do research at some point in his/her life even if he or
she is not a student. Homeowners may need to research how to shop for
insurance or new appliances. Senior citizens might need to research the
newest Medicare regulations and determine how they will impact health
coverage. Businesses do research to define competition, markets, and
meet product and service research and development needs. Of course,
the student is still out there writing research papers and theses or trying
to find the best science project for a class project that will net him or her
an “A+” as a grade.
This report will tell you how to access much of the various kinds of
information available on the Internet. You will learn how to identify
information resources and then search the Web in pursuit of information
and statistics that meet your needs. By using a methodical approach for
online research, you will be able to easily access the appropriate sources
for research. In other words, with your computer and Internet access,
you have a personal research library right in your home or office. You
don’t have to trudge down to the library except on rare occasions.
In the following sections, you will learn how to use your Internet as a
research library. It will review how to access the Web, the kinds of
research information available, and how to do an efficient search. It’s a
great world when you can sit in the comfort of your home and have a
world of information at your computer fingertips!
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