There are some important points for you to keep in front of you; not to keep in the back of your mind, not to think about once, read them, and then just put them away, but rather to keep in the forefront of everything you do with regards to business and I guess a lot of this stuff sometimes comes off as cheesy motivational talk. It doesn”t just apply to business, it applies to almost anything. Life in general.
I don’t want to come off cheesy, but I want to tell you some things that have made a big different. Maybe it’s not specific answers but rather ways of thinking that have helped me in my own business. Again, we haven”t arrived at any particular place yet in our business. Melinda and I are very proud of the business that we”ve been able to accomplish. A lot of people would say that we”ve succeeded at doing something a lot of people have failed at. We continue to succeed on an ongoing basis. A lot of people want to have what we have and that”s why I want you to keep these important points in front of you.

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