Writing Your Own Book

So You Want to Write a Book? One of the best things that you can do to help grow your business and to position yourself as an expert in whatever …


10 Most Common Ezine Publishing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Part of the temptation for newbies is to collect a group of e-mails and start mailing out from their own personal e-mails. At first this may seem quite harmless when …


The Easy Way To Write Your First Ebook

Writing an ebook is one of the easiest ways to become an author. These days, you don’t need a publishing house or literary agent to get published. The Internet and …


Take An Unknown Product And Make It Into A Bestseller

WHAT TYPE OF PRODUCT SHOULD YOU SELL? We’re not talking about the specific product here; we’re talking about what form the product takes. This is important because it can have …


Why Start An Ezine?

Part of the struggles of the 21st century is to find a business model that is not only scalable (that means you don’t have to work harder for the same …


Easy Kindle Publishing Profit From Kindle Singles

The one thing different about publishing Kindle singles is that Amazon actually vets the books they agree to publish under their Kindle Singles program. You can nominate your own book …


Easy Kindle Publishing Profiting From Children’s Kindle Books

To write a book for kids, you need to understand your audience. This is the same advice you’ll get if you write for adults. As you discover the audience you’re …


Content Publishing Profits

The “Content Publishing Profits” course was specifically designed to show even absolute beginners how publishing content online can be used to raise awareness, attract more customers and increase profits for …


Step-By-Step Introduction To Kindle Publishing

What Should Your Book Be About? If you know your audience, researching topics won’t be hard. One way to research topics is to go straight to your audience and ask …
