As an Internet Marketer, your time and money are valuable resources. Whether you are brand new to the game, or you”ve been making money online for years, PLR content can help you explode your business in record time.
In this book, you’ll learn about what PLR is, the various types of PLR content, the PLR licenses and what you can do with them, and most importantly, the different ways you can use PLR to your advantage.
you’ll also learn a few tips and tricks to help you avoid falling into the trap of using the same thing every other Internet marketer out there is using.
Without further ado, let’s get started!


MRR License

Do anything you want with the PLR Profit Jacker package EXCEPT give it away for free.

You may give away the videos, but THE FULL PACKAGE MUST BE SOLD.

Other than that you are free to do whatever you’d like. Resell it, rebrand it, keep all the profits!