Average network marketing companies today spend roughly a few hundred to a thousand dollars on Compensation or Marketing Plan Training in just hall/training room rental, speaker salaries and question and answer sessions! And to think that most people assume that plans are all about numbers only.

If you plan to recruit professional networkers (people who do network marketing for a living), and you hope to bring over their entire organization of maybe 50 ” 2,000 people, your chances of sponsoring them is close to zero unless you are an influential leader yourself AND you know your company”s marketing plan even better than the company themselves!

These facts are definitely worth pondering. If I am running my own network marketing company, imagine how much money I would save.

On the other hand, if I were building a network, I wouldn”t want to lose my people to networkers in other companies because of lack of training! If I am not careful, I would lose up to tens of thousands of dollars!

In this book, we are taking a more in depth look at plan mechanics as well as
practical steps to boost your career. Learn the tips and tricks how to:

> Avoid the various pitfalls of typical plans and how to use them to your advantage
> Stay in control in spite of quotas and use them to drive your team to success
> How to use products and create a cash flow generating machine
> Work with the right people and the right plan to become a networking juggernaut
> Learn other nifty secrets your upline might be too busy to teach you


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