10 Video and Audio tutorials about Mindfulness.

Do you ever find yourself ruminating about the past or obsessing about the future? If so, then you’ve also probably found that these thoughts are harmful and distracting to what matters most in your life.

Take back your life and live in the present by using mindfulness. By becoming more mindful, you’ll become healthier, a better thinker, and live the ideal life you want to lead.

What is Mindfulness?

As adults, we are constantly told to improve, plan for what”s ahead, and use lessons learned from the past to shape our future. Although thinking about the past and future are healthy and necessary for a well-balanced life, only thinking about the past and future can be anxiety-inducing, especially during difficult or chaotic points in life. Mindfulness is a way to step out of the chaos and to step into the present.

In short, mindfulness is the act of being in the present completely and intentionally. It includes thinking about your feelings, thoughts, and desires as they naturally come to you in the present. It simply removes you from the past or the forward way of thinking.


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