Brick-n-mortar companies invest a great effort in collecting prospective leads. Network Marketers often begin with writing a list of 100 names of people they know. And as an Online Business owner, you should focus on building your Online Mailing List.

Now list building isn”t exactly a riddle… as long as you know what to do, and how to do it. Incidentally, that is the aim of this book ” to show you how to get started on building your mailing list using multiple, unique and different techniques that add TARGETED leads to your database at as low cost as possible.

Yet you can profit wildly in the process. As more than one technique is discussed in this book, you have my word that at least one or more techniques would suit you ” or anyone. Of course, it would be wiser to practice more than one list building technique simultaneously to observe greater results.


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[YES]Can be sold
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[YES]Can be added into paid membership websites
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[YES]Can be offered as a bonus
[YES]Can be used to build a list
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