A Simple And Easy Way To Create Your ‘Thank You’ Pages
Have you ever purchased or downloaded a MRR or PLR product hoping to turn it around and resell almost immediately, only to find that all you’ve received is a salesletter and now you’ve got to manually create your own ‘Thank You’ page?
It can be quite a task and very time consuming making sure you’ve got everything perfect, especially the download links…..right??……well, now you don’t have to worry about any of that because you can now create your Thank You page in just a few short minutes!
Very Quick And Easy To Install.
Does NOT Need A MySQL Database.
Upload Your Zip File And Your Ready To Go.
Ability To Add Extra Download Categories.
Automatically Inserts Your Download Link.
Customize to suit your products or Just Have
A Standard ‘Thank You’ Page To Upload For Each Of Your Websites.
Easy To Change Header & Footer Graphics.
Insert Advertising Banners Or Text.
And Alot More…Just Use Your Imagination!
Infact, This simple little script is very flexible, and should not be any problem at all for newbies and seasoned webmasters to edit and customize in any way you wish!
It’s ‘Ready To Go’ straight out of the box, you only need to upload the script to your website, put your downloadable files into the same folder and VOILA! your Thank You Page is almost complete! (You’ll probably want to change some of the text and banners before you go live!)…. There’s no need to manually insert your download links because they will AUTOMATICALLY be created for you!
MRR License:
[YES] Can sell Personal Rights
[YES] Can sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[YES] Can be added to PAID membership sites
[YES] Can add various bonuses as a sales incentive
[YES] Can be packaged with other PAID Products
[NO] Can be given away
[NO] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites