Indeed, there are so multiple ways to make cash online. You can name a couple of like offering your own products or services, there is affiliate marketing, there is offering ad space in your blog and the likes.
But most of these ways said above are earlier saturated and that you may struggle in promoting the product you elect to commercialize online.
Inside this product is an audio ebook which indicates you how to get free cash from the Public Domain today!

MRR License terms:

You may:

– sell this product for at least $3 and keep 100% profits
– use the included professional graphics as-is for marketing
– deliver the download page to paying customers only
– add this product to your paid membership sites
– bundle this product to a package priced at least $7
– sell the product for personal use
– sell the product with Resell Rights
– sell the product with Master Resell Rights

You may not:

– sell this product under $3 nor giveaway this product for free
– edit/change the included professional graphics
– share the download page on any free download sites
– add this product to any free membership sites
– bundle this product to a package that you sell under $7
– sell the product with Private Label Rights or above