With this course you’ll be able to provide your subscribers
with great information that they can actually use!
You will teach them…
Exactly what forum marketing is and some of the great advantages of using it as a marketing and promotional tool for their business.
Some simple methods that they can use to increase their profits even more simply by using forum marketing.
What basic forum etiquette is and how it affects their
marketing plan.
Some of the pros and cons associated with forum marketing.
Hint: The pros far outweigh the cons!
Different ways that they can quickly tap into the potential power of forum marketing for their business.
Tips for choosing the right forum to join for their business, plus a quick overview of some of the top marketing forums that they can lurk around in while they learn the ropes.
And that’s just the beginning. Once they sign up for the “Forum Marketing Basics” Crash Course they will have access to great information in every lesson that will give them a better understanding of how to start their own successful forum marketing campaign and they will thank for it!
With this course you will providing 6 quality lessons full of solid information that you and your subscribers can start using to immediately impact your business! The “Forum Marketing Basics” Crash Course package contains everything you need to start using and selling it right away!
This is your Private Label Resale Rights terms and conditions:
What you can do:
[Yes] Can be used to build a mailing list for free (more info below)
[Yes] Can be packaged
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus to a paid product
[Yes] Can Be Edited Completely
[Yes] Can claim authorship
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can sell this product
[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights
[Yes] Can be offered through auction sites
Recommended retail price $7.00 – $15.00
What you cannot do:
[NO] Can Claim Copyright
[NO] Resale Rights Can be given away for free
[NO] Private Label Rights can be given away for free
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites
You can use the messages and squeeze page to collect email address
and build your list. This is the only way that you can give them away
for free.
For instance you can set up the squeeze page and customize
the messages and provide your subscriber with the lessons. You can
then offer the resale rights to your new subscribers.
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