eBay does not allow certain items to be auctioned through their website. Services are one type of “item” that cannot be auctioned ” simply because it is not an item. Some seller”s blatantly ignore this however.
The sell of other items is illegal, even if it isn”t being sold through eBay. eBay restricts the sale of any type of item that is considered “illegal for sale” in any other selling format. Illegal items such as satellite descramblers are forbidden as well.
Anything that is copyrighted – such as copies of DVDs, CDs, or software may not be sold through eBay auctions. You can, however, sell a DVD, CD, or any software that you bought legitimately…as long as you are not just selling a copy that you made of these types of items.

MASTER RESELL RIGHTS LICENSE AGREEMENT As a master resell rights holder, you agree to the following terms:
[YES] Can be sold as it is no less than $7.00. [YES] Can pass on master resell rights to your customers. [YES] Can pass on resell rights to your customers. [YES] Can pass on personal use rights to your customers. [YES] Can add this product to a PAID membership site. [YES] Can be bundled within a product package. [YES] Can be giving away as a bonus. [YES] Can give away the product to your subscribers. [YES] Can edit the sales page and opt-in page.
[NO] Can add to a free membership site. [NO] Can pass away the product for free. [NO] Can edit the contents of the ebook.