Ebooks - Private Label Rights
Video Marketing Mastery
Thanks to four major changes, video marketing has become the killer app. It’salways been the once and future king of marketing, but now it is probablywearing its crown thanks to …
Product Creation
Creating and selling a product establishes credibility likenothing else. In a market packed full of so-called gurus andcelebrity marketers, you’ll absolutely need credibility. Yourcredibility affects several things. Firstly, it affects …
Product Launching
There are a few ways to launch a digital product. One way isto do a “soft launch”. A soft launch is a low-key opening of thedoors, so to speak. You …
Viral Traffic Blast
Driving viral traffic to your offer or website is a form of viral marketing whichtakes advantage of the fact that people tend to share something they findinformative, entertaining or amazing. …
Facebook Marketing
Facebook has done an excellent job of developing anenvironment where people stay inside the platform. Althoughlinks to the outside are easy to create, it’s now just as easyand perhaps more …
YouTube Marketing
Worldwide, YouTube has over 1 billion users (yes, a billion)and a whopping 30 million of them watch videos every day.An astounding 5 billion videos are viewed each day, totalingin over …
Getting Along with Colleagues
In this case, “others” can be defined as everyone you come into contact withwhile on the job.Obviously, the answer is going to be different for everyone. However, it caninclude the …
Battling Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a serious problem and it is not only found in certain areasor with certain types of people. Addiction is found everywhere and with alltypes of people. It …
Pregnancy Principles
Make sure that you get your prenatal vitamins, they are very importantduring pregnancy. If for some reason you can’t take them, talk with yourdoctor he/she may be able to prescribe …