These ideas are more traditional, such as yellow pages advertising and classified ads. Of course that doesn”t mean they should be neglected.

Other ideas are traditional, but not used as much, or I should say not always used as effectively as they could. Direct response marketing and publicity are two that come to mind.

And then there are really creative ideas that are often overlooked, such as valuable joint ventures and strategic alliances. Some of these ideas have the potential to really deliver a lot of leads and sales with minimal traditional “work.”

PLR License

Powerful Offline Marketing In The Internet Age

[Yes] Can be given away.

[Yes] Can be packaged.

[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.

[Yes] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.

[Yes] Can be used as web content

[Yes] Can be broken down into articles

[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites

[Yes] Can be offered through auction sites.

[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights

[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights

[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights