The Mobile King

Recent studies by Nielsen Mobile indicate 97% of people with a mobile/cellphone will read an SMS (text) message within 15 minutes of receiving it; 84% will respond within 1 hour. Now given …

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Mobile App Mantra

The search for a killer app is an on-going process. A killer app is onethat is accepted by most as the best in the market at that point of time.List …

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Mobile Marketing

Mobile usage now represents 65% of all digital media time. Asof 2016 mobile traffic makes up over 56% of all internet trafficto leading US websites. In response to this, 68% …


Google Analytics Explained

Web Statistics Tracking System WHAT’S INSIDE: ✅ Learn how to get information on the traffic to your website, the page rank and the bounce rate✅ Track website revenue by category, …

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Mobile Ecommerce

It may come as no surprise that there”s been an overwhelming increase in the number of online shoppers making their purchases through their smartphones. And the trend is continuing to …

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Mobile Marketing

If you’re looking to skyrocket sales, connect with your target audience, and send an endless surge of highly-targeted traffic to your website, you must tap into the power of mobile …

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Mobile Business Empire

The first thing you want to do is start to create niche sites. A niche site is one website that is targeting a particular product or market segment and is …

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Mobile Phone Profits

Welcome to the wireless revolution! If you’re new to the 3G wireless age, don’t worry. This is a great opportunity to learn about this technology and how it applies to …

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Mobile Trend Marketing

New Internet marketing tools are coming online each and every day. Why should you care? Mainly because these new marketing trends and tools can have a dramatic impact on your …

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Mobile Marketing Made Easy

Effective strategies for reaching your customers and increasing sales with mobile marketing the right way! Why mobile marketing is the easiest method you can use without all the hassles of …

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Mobile Marketing Quick Start Guide

The majority of mobile users carry their devices with them at all times including while they are at residence. The absolute form of mobile promotion is the text message. It …

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Mobile Phones PLR Articles

Webbzo Premium PLR Articles / Mobile Phones PLR Articles Article quantity: 10 Example: In this day of high tech gadgets and toys, the Mobile Phone, or Cellular Phone inundates the …

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Cell Phones PLR Articles

Webbzo Premium PLR Articles / Cell Phones PLR Articles Article quantity: 10 Example: We”ve come a long way from the first cell phones. The concept isn”t a new one; in …

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Cell Phone PLR Articles

Webbzo Premium PLR Articles / Cell Phone PLR Articles Article quantity: 10 Example: Do you really want to be available for anyone and everyone on a 24/7 basis? What do …

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