The Importance Of A Bridge Site
If you are like most Internet entrepreneurs, you start to collect different
websites or web presences that are useful for generating traffic back to your
site. Some of these places, like Digg, Facebook, or article archives can be a
great resource in advertising your sales website on the Internet to specific
demographics. However, many third-party sites have specific rules about the
types of pages that people can use in their comments, their articles, and/or
biographical information. Ezinearticles, for instance, won’t allow you to link
back to a sales page, and yet, this is at the heart of Internet marketing. You
wouldn’t be out there, if you weren’t trying to get someone to buy something
from you. So, what do you do?
That’s where you start to realize that there are ways to get around the rules
that others put in place to limit your Internet marketing activities, and bridge
sites are an important strategy to exploit. Even when a third-party doesn’t
ban you for linking to a sales page, there are also other times when it’s just
jarring to go from a link, say like in Facebook, to a sales page. In some
ways, social networkers will judge such a move as “too commercial” and you
can lose credibility in your authenticity that way. So, again, you want to
implement a bridge site to smooth the way.
Why Blogs Are Ideal Bridge Sites
Web logs, a.k.a. “blogs,” are an excellent way to bridge from a site like a
user-interactive social networking site to a commercial sales page. That’s
because they tend to be a mix of both. You have your daily blogs that you
post, that are typically informal, casual in tone, and friendly, and you have
links that are put on a blog that are expected to link to more commercial
endeavors. The casual style is much in keeping with the style of social
networking, and so it is less jarring to people who can be harvested from
these sites and do not realize that they have begun to be marketed.
This gives you an edge because there is less buyer’s resistance on this
format. Also, as long as you own the blog, you can link to anything that you
want to link to, so that makes it ideal as a bridge site. And, the major search
engines love to crawl blogs frequently because of the way content is updated
more regularly, so you get a wider audience.
In addition, you can put links in your blog posts that send people to different
sales pages. You can set up a blog anonymously or with a pseudonym, and
thus, no one has to know that the links you promote are from your own
website. Once someone visits your blog, they should have an easy to
remember URL that is all yours.
Blogs can be addictive because the information should be updated once daily,
if not more. As long as the information is informative and entertaining, you
can get people to subscribe to your blog. This converts them from an
anonymous viewer to someone who is now basically entering your sales
funnel. You can then begin to offer them some deals or introduce them to
the product lineups on other websites you own, that can convert them from
subscriber to customer.
Rights: Master Resell Rights
The following dictates the terms and conditions to the rights of this product:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the squeeze page.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be sold in a Dime sale event.
[YES] Can be added into a paid membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free AGAINST an email address (lead generation)
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.
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