Regardless of the type of website you”re working with, one thing is constant… you’ll always need to provide some sort of content.
With a sales letter site, where you’re specifically promoting one particular product, your focus will be entirely on causing the viewer to ultimately make that purchase. In that case, killer sales copy is the only content required.
Content driven websites are a whole different story. The task is and always will be to provide ongoing relevant information. At the same time, of course, you’ll be building the size of the website by creating additional subject-relevant (and hopefully keyword-rich) pages.

PLR License

[Yes] Products may be sold separately
[Yes] Products may be bundled
[Yes] Products can be a bonus for another product
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can add bonuses to the Product(s) for sale
[Yes] Can be sold as a physical product
[Yes] Can be sold as a digital product
[Yes] You may put your own name on the sales letter
[Yes] You may rename the Products
[Yes] You may edit the sales material
[Yes] You may edit the content of the product
[Yes] You may use the source code to create new products
[Yes] Can be added to free membership sites
[Yes] Can be given away for free
[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights