Take An Unknown Product And Make It Into A Bestseller

WHAT TYPE OF PRODUCT SHOULD YOU SELL? We”re not talking about the specific product here; we”re talking about what form the product takes. This is important because it can have …

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Ebook Marketing Exposed

Ebooks are part of the new frontier of cyberspace. They are an entirely new medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge. Each day the number of people …

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Leveraging The Kindle Book Marketplace To Grow Your Business

The best way to get started using Kindle books to grow your business is to learn from others who have done it. One of the very best examples is Kristen …

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Extra Cash From Your eBooks

The Kindle platform is one such venue that makes it very easy for anyone to publish their own books and start to gather an audience for their work. That’s because …
