10 Focused Follow Up Tips

Your follow ups should:
1. Always help your subscriber or customer easily take the next step through your sales funnel
2. Help build a relationship with your customer
3. Contain high value content designed to really help your customer or subscriber
4. Be conversational, friendly and informal
5. Never contain “hype” (over inflated, slick `sales language”)
6. Always focus on your contact and her problems and burning needs
7. Follow a sequence ” and that sequence should always follow a rhythm
8. If you use telephone follow up, never phone before your subscriber has received valuable freebie tips, reports or mini-courses. Phoning after initial contact is not usually successful
9. I hope this is a given for you, but do automate your follow up emails with an autoresponder service such as Aweber. If you really have trouble getting the hang of autoresponders, that”s where a V.A. who specializes in handling them is worth her weight in gold!
10. Outsource as much as you can. Don”t try to do everything yourself ” that”s the fastest way to confusion and chaos. Planning your follow ups from the beginning of every campaign is really the way to go.


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