Webbzo Premium PLR Articles / Racquet Ball PLR Articles

Article quantity: 25


Talent is not merely enough to put you on top of the game. You must first acquaint yourself with some of the basic stuffs about your chosen sport. In this case let’s take some time off to know a thing or two about racquetball.

The sport is presented in varying number of players which can reach up to four. A two-player game called singles is the usual format. It is also termed as one-up wherein two individuals go head to head for the entirety of the competition. The four player format is coined as doubles. This features two pairs going against each other.

There is another form of racquetball that is called cut-throat or ironman. This is a three-player game which means that two person compete with a single individual. Players take alternating turns at service chores. Service is then received by the other two individuals who will play as a unit.


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