You may be asking, “What the heck is Periscope?” You wouldn”t be alone.
A lot of people haven”t even heard of it, yet. It”s still a relatively new service, but there are millions who have already jumped on board.
Periscope is a live broadcasting app available for Apple and Android devices. The app can be downloaded on the App Store or Google Play.
Periscope is owned by Twitter. They bought it for $100 million in early 2015, and it was launched first on iOS in March and then on Android in May. It reached a million users just 10 days after launch, and within four months, it hit the 10 million user mark. Not bad for a brand new app!
Periscope has huge potential for business, because it has millions of users, but only a small percentage of those users actually broadcast anything. Most users only download the app to view other people”s broadcasts, which means there isn”t a lot of competition.
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