How Much More Money Are You Going To Make With Just A Small Increase In Your Clickthrough Rates?
Even if you increase your clickthrough rates by just a tiny percent, then this easily adds up to thousands of dollars over time.
For instance, let’s say a site with 10,000 visitors a month has a clickthrough rate of 1%. When you increase it to 2%, then you immediately go from 100 to 200 clicks.
Now, just imagine the increase in revenue you get when you do this on all of your sites! You’ve just doubled your current income! This is why the investment of $27 to get your copy is just a drop in your pocket. It’s a miniscule amount to pay for a gigantic increase in your pay. You’re going to love seeing those larger AdSense checks arriving in the mail.
PLR License
[Yes] Products may be sold separately
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[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
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