To be honest with you, right from the very beginning—from day one of the product launch—we knew that John was going to be kicking ass. He just shot right up to the leaderboard and quickly established that. He was going to be the leader of the pack. He took first place, and he has not relinquished it since that day. Nobody”s even come close and there”s a reason for that. This is not by accident. Something that I learned a long time ago from John is that you don’t necessarily have to be a big super affiliate to have these kind of results.
Unfortunately, a lot of people see somebody like John and they see the results and they say, “Oh, that”s because he”s a super affiliate.” Honestly when somebody asks me that or they use that as an excuse and they say something like, “You know what Omar, yeah that”s cause you got a big list.” I just come back at them and I’m like, “You know what dude, you’re probably never going to make it in internet marketing or in life in general as long as you keep thinking that way. You got to kind of change that mentality because you’re still caught in the chicken and the egg conundrum.”
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