Consider the different ways to invest in domain investing, or website investing.
1. Invest in website flipping: Here, you will purchase a domain name and start to develop the website. Once you have some level of secure footing, you then sell the website at a profit.
2. Invest in domain name parking: Here, the website owner registers a domain name. Then, with very little cost, they do nothing more than sit on it and try to sell it to those that may be interested in buying it.
3. Invest in website development: Purchase a domain name, work to establish the website and then hold on to it and profit from it.
In each of these situations, there is profit to be had. Domain name parking offers the lowest potential returns unless you have a very in demand type of domain name that a company feels they must have. Investing in a website and then flipping it is a great way to turn a profit, especially if you know how to set up a website fairly quickly and what it takes to get the Internet marketing going on it. Finally, owning and developing a website is the largest profit maker because the long term benefits far outweigh the short term selling in either of the two prior options. Yet, the profits may be well off into the future.
Rights: Master Resell Rights
The following dictates the terms and conditions to the rights of this product:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales. [YES] Can edit the squeeze page. [YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price. [YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling. [YES] Can be sold in a Dime sale event. [YES] Can be added into a paid membership site. [YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers. [YES] Can be given away for free AGAINST an email address (lead generation)
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.
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