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5 Ways To Unleashing The Power Of Perseverance
You have probably heard many motivational speakers and startup founderstalk about the power of perseverance. But how exactly can you unleash thepower of perseverance and why it is important?Unleashing the …
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7 Steps To Validating Your Startup Idea
When you have a startup idea, there are certain things you need to do toensure your idea is a good one that can actually help people and makeprofits. How do …
100 Exercise Tips
When it comes to the level of intensity that you want to go through in working out, you need to determine your purpose for it first. You have to decide …
A More Spiritual Life
What is spirituality? How do people discover their spirituality? If you don’tknow the real answer to these questions, you need a complete reference toexpand your knowledge. This is the reason …
Dancing Your Fats Away
Dance may have been created for enjoyment, aesthetic expression,and socialization; but these days, it is considered one of the mosteffective ways of exercising for fat loss. In this course – …
Healthy Eating Planner
We make millions of food choicesthroughout our lives which have a majorimpact on our health and nutrition. Goodfood choices won’t leave you and yourfamily feeling unsatisfied, hungry ordeprived. Instead, they …
Heart Healthy Cooking African American Style
Good food is one of life’s great joys. And good meals are ashared pleasure at the heart of African American family lifeand special celebrations. This recipe book brings togethermany African …
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Lose Weight Fasting
The idea of fasting is still tied to the spiritual and religious practices. When we first heardabout fasting, we immediately relate the term to the Catholics who practice this during …
5 Surprising Benefits Of Meditation
The most well-known benefit of meditation is stress-relief. Different formsof meditation have been used for literally thousands of years to quickly,and sometimes instantly, relieve and remove stress and anxiety. TheLiveAndDare.com …