Everyone wants to promote something these days. Trying to accomplish this for free is another story altogether, but it doesn’t have to be. One method for promoting your business or website can be accomplished for free through what is known as article marketing. This free strategy can help with traffic, sales and add additional rewards such as building your influence and authority in your niche. One of the most effortless approaches to gain traffic and new customers to your site is to write articles and submit them to article directories such as EzineArticles or even HubPages (just to name a couple).
MASTER RESELL RIGHTS LICENSE AGREEMENT As a master resell rights holder, you agree to the following terms:
[YES] Can be sold as it is no less than $7.00. [YES] Can pass on master resell rights to your customers. [YES] Can pass on resell rights to your customers. [YES] Can pass on personal use rights to your customers. [YES] Can add this product to a PAID membership site. [YES] Can be bundled within a product package. [YES] Can be giving away as a bonus. [YES] Can give away the product to your subscribers. [YES] Can edit the sales page and opt-in page.
[NO] Can add to a free membership site. [NO] Can pass away the product for free. [NO] Can edit the contents of the ebook.