Make no mistake, turning a profit online is different from earning an active income. Your active income is your 9 to 5 job. You engage in earning an active income when you trade your time for money.

If you don’t show up for your job every day you won’t get paid. If you don’t show up on time repeatedly, the chances of keeping your job dip to the “slim to none” level. That’s how active income works.

Making an active income is like being a chicken; if you’ve ever seen a chicken eat, you probably notice that it scratches the ground, looks for a morsel, and then pecks. It scratches then eats. If it stops scratching it doesn”t eat. The logic and the events are straightforward and simple.

Here are the Chapters:

Chapter 1 – How to Pick the Right Niche
Chapter 2 – Become a Niche Affiliate First
Chapter 3 – Find Your Niche Competitors and Reverse Engineer Their Model
Chapter 4 – Reverse Engineer Your Competitors’ Content Strategy
Chapter 5 – Getting traffic the smart way
Chapter 6 – Master free traffic before spending a dollar on paid traffic
Chapter 7 – Optimize your conversion system for maximum income
Chapter 8 – Optimize your content for maximum conversions
Chapter 9 – Optimize your affiliate programs to maximize conversions
Chapter 10 – How to build a multi-layered passive income affiliate marketing system


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