Naturally, most if not all of us want and crave for something better. It is all part of us if we
want a bigger car, a better house, buying good things for the family. We keep hoping for
more but, in order to get what you don’t have, you have got to do something you have
never done before.
That simply means:
Doing the same thing over and over again YET expecting different results!
As an employee, you can’t stay at the same job forever and hope that a miracle will
happen and your boss will suddenly give you a raise. You will be lucky that there is no
downsizing in your company. Switching to another company will only provide a short
term solution to a long term problem.
Sure, you can take up a second or even third job, but do you have enough hours and
stamina in a day to sustain it?
The bottom-line: Trading time for money isn’t wise financial sense in the long term. You
keep on increasing the hours just to win the rat race, but in the end of the day, you are
still a rat on the mill!
Increasing your wages only puts you in a higher tax bracket. Your salaries increase but
so does your expenses on your house and car. How will you invest in yourself when all
the time you spend working for a company, working for the government paying taxes
and working for the bank paying off your house and car? What if you fall sick and can’t
work tomorrow? Will the government take care of your family?
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