Why Do You Need To Upgrade To The Video
Version Of The “Modern Email Marketing &
Segmentation” Guide?

Did you know that most people learn a lot faster when they see something
being done on video than by just reading about it?
That’s because most people out there are visual learners.
How do you normally learn the best?
Although this guide you just purchased gives you a step-by-step approach to
Modern Email Marketing & Segmentation, experience tells us that it requires
learners to pay very close attention to the details to get the best results
If you miss any of the most important details or do things the wrong way,
you may miss out on the fullest benefits offered inside the guide.
For that very reason, I’ve put together a video version to make it much
easier to get positive results quickly…
The Video Version Of The Guide You Just
Purchased Will Help You…
 Avoid missing any important key details that you might miss by only
reading the guide
 Stay focused and accountable, and follow through and make sure you
get ongoing results
 Ensure that the work you put in now keeps on giving you benefits long
into the future
Modern Email Marketing and Segmentation
Video Course

How many videos are there?
There are 10, high-quality, in-depth videos that cover everything You’ll find
inside the text-based version of the guide…

In what format is the training delivered?
You’ll get 10 high-quality videos in MP4 format that you can download and
view anytime you want.

Rights: Master Resell Rights
The following dictates the terms and conditions to the rights of this product:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the squeeze page.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be sold in a Dime sale event.
[YES] Can be added into a paid membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free AGAINST an email address (lead generation)
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.

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